What to do with your Gap Year

Applications are submitted for this cycle and the interview process for veterinary school has begun. For many of you, this year is a time of uncertainty and you feel a little lost about how to fill the time while you are waiting to hear back from all your potential schools. Gap years can be a bit overwhelming, but they can also be a time of reflection, opportunity, and growth to help you become a thriving veterinarian in the future. So what are the things you can do this year to help you reach your dreams? These are just some of the possibilities:

Complete the prerequisites for your application. Do the work that you need to in order to be eligible for entering vet school. Don’t just complete them, make a statement with them. Engage in the course, talk with the instructor, immerse yourself in the material. Prereqs set up your understanding of concepts in vet school--you will see their influence again. Show that you are determined to earn your place in a vet school class.

Set Goals for yourself. What is one thing that would get you out of bed every morning? Learn a new skill or double down on an old hobby. Has it been a while since you have picked up a guitar, a paintbrush, or your athletic shoes? Maybe you want to get better at photography, D&D, or develop a social media outlet. Figure out what steps you need to take to achieve your goal, and track your progress. Find a community to support you, whether online or in person. Build your own support squad.

Volunteer in your community. What is something that inspires you? Who is someone that you have always wanted to work with? Find some time this year to regularly contribute to your community and learn more about it.  Read at a nursing home, collect items for a food bank, or spend time fundraising for a cause. Develop new perspectives on things and meet people that know different things that you do.

Have fun, meet people, take on adventures. Even if it is to a local park or the next town over. Attend local festivals, fairs, comic-cons, or concerts. Just because you are waiting to hear back from schools, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy that time. Maybe you will discover something about how or where you want to practice veterinary medicine.

Invest time in your own personal development. Journal. Reflect on what you learn about yourself.  Learn more about finances. Create a budget and find a mentor for navigating the years ahead. Discover a schedule that works for you. Find a physical activity that helps you release the stressors of the day. These skills can help you excel at vet school when your opportunity comes.

Gap years can be opportunities in disguise. You may have decided to take one or you may have found yourself on the outside of the vet school matriculation pool. Either way, you get to choose how you want to use that year to grow, change, and understand more about yourself and your veterinary dream. What are some other things people have done in a Gap year?


Navigating an Interview with Confidence